Tara Thomas
MA Dip Arch RIBA
Tara started her working life in the USA, gaining experience of a variety of projects. She returned to the UK to work in London and researched an MA before joining ecotects.
A creative designer, Tara also specialises in watercolour perspectives and graphic presentations and is totally committed to the practice's philosophy on sustainability and design excellence.
Tara has acted as an Expert Advice Consultant at the Grand Designs Show for a number of years.
Wendy Thomas
BA Dip Arch RIBA
Wendy has gained many years experience of both traditional and modern forms of construction on a wide range of projects and has been active within the Royal Institute of British Architects both locally and nationally.
Her particular interest focuses on sustainability within the built environment, combined with a very high standard of design.
Wendy has acted as an Expert Advice Consultant at the Grand Designs Show for a number of years.
David Bradford
Dip Arch RIBA (Consultant)
Qualified since 1967, David worked for a number of well-known architects in London, gaining a wide experience.
In 1969 he moved to Lewes and worked for a local practice for 18 years, during which time was Project Architect for a large variety of education and other projects. He rose to the position of Director in the firm before leaving to set up his own practice with Wendy Thomas.
A talented designer in every respect, David's particular interest has always been very much focused towards the sustainability aspect of the built environment.
Marc Hoar
Dip Arch (Consultant)
Marc has extensive experience in private practices across the world including France, Hong Kong, south East Asia and Africa.
He taught at the De Montefort School of Architecture and was visiting lecturer at Cambridge, Normandy and Miami universities.
He was a design tutor at the University of Brighton School of Architecture where he was also Head of Undergraduate Architecture.
David Thomas
Dip Arch RIBA (Constultant)
Prior to forming his own practice, David worked in Western Canada and then the British Government. From 1971-1996 he worked for East Sussex County Council, where he was a Project Architect for 12 years and then moved on to specialising in feasibility studies, land disposal and detailed planning applications. During this time he advised the Estates Department and worked for the Police, Social Services, the Fire Department and the Education Department.
He now specialises in feasibility studies and planning applications for local authorities, developers, commercial organisations and individuals and in watercolour perspectives.